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4 Things NOT to Do After an Illinois Auto Accident

Illinois Auto Accident

If you’re in a car accident, you know you need to file a police report, get medical care, and perhaps hire a lawyer if you’ve been seriously injured. But did you also know there are several actions that could damage your claim and your right to recovery? Consider this list of four things to never do after a car accident, and call our experienced Rockford, IL car accident team for more information specific to your case.

1. Don’t Admit Fault

Probably the biggest mistake you can make after being involved in a crash is admitting fault. While you may feel sorry the accident happened – or even worried something you did might have contributed to the crash – admitting fault to the other driver, the police officer who responds to the crash, or the insurance company is a big mistake. If you admit fault, you may be sacrificing your right to compensation, especially if your case goes to litigation. It’s best to stay quiet on the topic of who is at fault and speak with an attorney.

2. Don’t Give a Recorded Statement

After a crash, an insurance adjuster will call you and ask you to provide a recorded statement. Do not give a recorded statement unless you have been advised to do so by an attorney. Giving a recorded statement might seem innocent enough, but it’s not. An insurance adjuster is set to find any possible way to diminish your claim, which will mean pouring through your statement looking for areas of inconsistency or indications you contributed to the crash and/or that your injuries aren’t serious.

3. Don’t Accept a First Settlement Offer

When you’ve been in a crash and have suffered injuries and financial losses, you may be in desperate need of a financial award following a car accident settlement. While you may want to get the settlement process over as quickly as possible, know the first settlement you’re offered will likely be low-balled. Make sure it’s reviewed by an attorney, and don’t be afraid to reject the settlement and enter negotiations.

4. Don’t Use Social Media

Using social media may seem innocuous, but anything you post publicly online can be used as a form of evidence against you, and you can count on an insurance adjuster looking for ways to reduce your payout – including adding you on social media and using your social media activity as evidence. For example, a picture of you smiling could be used to paint the picture of a happy person who is clearly recovered from their injuries. Your best bet is to stay off social media entirely.

Call Our Auto Accident Lawyers Today

To learn more about best practices after being in a crash and how to maximize your settlement, call our experienced auto accident attorneys at the office of Fisk & Monteleone LTD. today. We offer free consultations.