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April Showers Also Bring More Car Accidents

As the weather warms in the spring in Rockford, there is more daylight and rain. Unfortunately, April often brings showers, and with it, more auto accidents. First, learn why there are more accidents at this time of year. Then, contact our Rockford auto accident attorney at Fisk & Monteleone if you need help with a case.

Study Shows More Accidents Even In Light Precipitation

A 2019 study from the North Carolina Institute for Climate Studies shows that there tend to be more auto accidents during a ‘precipitation event.’ The study states that fatal car accidents are 34% more likely any time there is rain, and 27% more likely even in light rain.

Study author Scott Stevens says that even when there is a drizzle, the chances of a fatal auto accident rise significantly. He adds that people tend to slow down when there is heavy rain. But drivers may continue at their regular speed when it is a mere drizzle. Underestimating the risks of even a slightly wet roadway increases the odds of an accident.

The study reviewed 125,000 auto accidents with deaths in the US between 2006-2011. It also examined weather patterns when the crashes happened. The data showed that parts of the country most likely to see more auto accidents in wet weather are the Midwest, including Illinois.

Why Are There More Accidents In The Rain?

Several significant reasons contribute to more car accidents in the rain. They are:

  • Poor traction and hydroplaning: Hydroplaning happens when the car’s tires lose traction because the road is wet. This can cause you to lose control of your vehicle. In addition, the streets are the most slippery in the first 10 minutes of a storm; oil and grease on the pavement can make a film that is even slicker than water alone.
  • Lack of visibility: When there is significant rainfall, visibility drops considerably. This makes it harder to see other vehicles and objects ahead.
  • Speeding: Unfortunately, many drivers underestimate how much traction degrades in wet weather and may continue at the same speed. They can lose control and crash if they need to slow down suddenly.

How To Avoid An April Showers Car Accident

There are several ways to avoid getting into an accident in wet weather. First, do not hit the brakes suddenly when the roads are wet. Instead, apply the brakes gently when it is raining. If you start to slide, remove your foot from the gas and turn the steering wheel in the direction you are sliding as you tap the brake gently.

Second, keep your attention on the road in wet weather. You need to be completely attentive to driving, significantly when conditions worsen.

Third, increase your following distances. You should at least double the space between you and the next vehicle in rainy or snowy weather. The more time you have to stop, the fewer chances of a crash.

Talk To Our Rockford Auto Accident Attorney Today

Car accidents can happen anytime, but they tend to happen more often in April as rain moves into Rockford. If you are hit by another driver and have injuries, contact Rockford auto accident attorney at Fisk & Monteleone at (815) 962-0044.