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Do Men Or Women Get Into More Car Accidents?

Rockford, Illinois has its share of traffic, and we all need to drive safely to avoid accidents and keep others safe. However, thousands of Americans are injured and killed in car accidents annually nationwide. But are men or women more likely to get into accidents? Learn more below, then speak to our car accident lawyers in Rockford at Fisk & Monteleone Ltd. for legal assistance.

Men vs. Women Car Accident Statistics

Considerable research has been performed to determine if men or women are more likely to get into auto accidents. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) and the Department of Transportation, several patterns can be seen in the data:

First, men are in more fatal auto accidents annually than women.

  • More are more likely to drive in aggressive ways that cause more severe motor vehicle accidents. National data shows that more men die because of speeding, drunk driving, and not wearing seatbelts.
  • Men drive more miles than women on average, leading to more crashes.
  • Women suffer severe injury or death more often than men, probably because they weigh less and are smaller.
  • 70% of driver fatalities in 2019 were men.

Overall, the reviewed data suggest that men are more likely to get into fatal car accidents, but women may suffer more severe injuries. It may be that some women drive smaller vehicles, potentially causing more damage when a large vehicle strikes them.

Are Age And Auto Accidents Related?

It also is worthwhile to examine age and car accident frequency. Younger drivers may drive more aggressively and have less experience than older drivers. That said, senior drivers often have slower response times and health concerns that can increase their risk of accidents.

Data from IIHS between 2016 and 2017 indicates that fatal car accidents are more frequent for men between 16 and 29. Men in this age category are responsible for more deadly accidents than all female drivers.

Additionally, IIHS data in 2019 shows that passenger deaths in car accidents were highest for men in almost every age group. Also, the highest fatality rate in car accidents for males was for drivers in the 85 and up bracket.

About Illinois Negligence Laws

Whether you are male or female, younger or older, no one wants to get in a Rockford car accident, but they happen. Whether you can receive compensation in a claim or lawsuit depends on who caused the car accident.

Illinois has a modified compared negligence standard for car accidents. This means you can still receive compensation in a car accident if you were partially at fault. However, you cannot receive compensation if you are more than 50% at fault for the accident. So, your Rockford car accident attorney must prove negligence if you want compensation for your medical expenses, pain and suffering, and lost wages.

Speak To Our Car Accident Attorneys In Rockford

Were you in a Rockford car accident recently? If you have injuries caused by another driver, you can file a claim or lawsuit. Please contact our car accident attorneys in Rockford at Fisk & Monteleone Ltd. at (815) 962-0044 for a consultation.