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Spring Brings Flowers And Car Accidents In Illinois

As the winter frost fades and spring arrives, driving conditions undergo shifts that can contribute to an increase in car accidents. The transition from winter to spring introduces various weather-related hazards and road conditions that Illinois drivers must adapt to. Understanding the most common types of car accidents during spring can help drivers navigate more carefully and avoid collisions. Below are a few of the common causes of motor vehicle accidents that often occur in spring:

  • Rain-Related Accidents – Spring showers are common, and even light rain can create slick roads, leading to reduced traction and an increased risk of hydroplaning. Statistics from the Federal Highway Administration reveal that slippery conditions due to rain accounted for 46 percent of all springtime accidents between 2002 and 2012. Additionally, heavy rain may cause flooding, posing significant dangers for drivers.
  • Hail Damage – Hailstorms, characterized by tiny balls of ice falling from the sky, can damage vehicles by shattering windshields and denting the bodywork. Moreover, the impact of hail can damage road surfaces, creating hazards for drivers.
  • Winter’s Aftermath – The toll of winter weather on road surfaces can linger into spring, with worn surfaces, cracks, and potholes posing risks for drivers. These road defects can lead to vehicular damage, from suspension issues to collisions between multiple vehicles.
  • Increased Pedestrian Activity – Warmer weather in spring encourages more outdoor activities for people. With more pedestrians and cyclists on the road, drivers need to be extra vigilant, especially during dawn and dusk when pedestrians are most active.
  • Allergies and Medication – Spring allergies can lead to fatigue and drowsiness, compounded by the time change associated with daylight saving time. Additionally, over-the-counter medications used to alleviate allergy symptoms can cause drowsiness, increasing the risk of accidents due to impaired driving.
  • Sun Glare – Stronger sunlight during spring can create sun glare, making it difficult for drivers to see the road ahead. Reduced visibility due to sun glare increases the risk of accidents, emphasizing the importance of wearing sunglasses and maintaining clean windshields.
  • Pothole Collisions – Melting snow and ice can reveal potholes on road surfaces, posing hazards for drivers. Collisions with potholes can cause damage to vehicles and increase the risk of accidents, especially if drivers fail to notice them.
  • Increased Bicyclist Presence – Warmer temperatures in spring lead to more cyclists on the road, increasing the likelihood of accidents. Drivers need to watch out for cyclists to avoid collisions, especially when making turns or opening car doors.
  • Drunk Driving – Spring break festivities and warmer weather may lead to an increase in alcohol consumption, resulting in drunk driving accidents. Alcohol impairs judgment and coordination, increasing the risk of accidents and injuries.
  • Increased Animal Activity – Warmer weather prompts animals to come out of hibernation. With more animals potentially crossing roads, drivers must be alert to avoid collisions.

Remember, your safety on the road is paramount, so stay alert and drive responsibly, especially during springtime. In the event of a car accident during spring, seeking legal guidance from a car accident lawyer in Rockford is essential to protect one’s rights and pursue compensation for any injuries or damages sustained.

Call Our Car Accident Lawyer In Rockford For Exceptional Representation

At Fisk & Monteleone LTD, our experienced car accident lawyers are dedicated to advocating for injured victims and helping them navigate the legal process. If you or a loved one are injured in a traffic accident caused by another’s negligence, it’s important to take the necessary steps to protect your legal rights.

The dedicated legal professionals at Fisk & Monteleone LTD are ready to assist you with your motor vehicle accident. Contact our car accident lawyer in Rockford at 815-962-0044 for your free injury consultation. There is limited time to file your claim. There is ‘No Risk, Call Fisk,’ and let us help you receive full financial compensation for your injuries and accident-related damages.