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Why Prompt Medical Care Matters For Your Personal Injury Case

Being hurt in an accident is never fun, and it is understandable if you want to avoid going to the doctor. After all, you are fine, and who wants to go through the hassle?

However, the reality is that prompt medical care is vital for your personal injury case. Find out why in this article. If you were hurt in an accident with injuries, speak to our Rockford personal injury attorney at Fisk & Monteleone today. We might help you obtain compensation for your injuries.

Seeing A Physician Safeguards Your Health

The most important reason to see a doctor after a car or other accident is it protects your health. You might not feel pain in the first hours after the accident, but that does not mean you are uninjured. During the accident, your body will flood with adrenaline and endorphins to help deal with any pain and injuries. This is how the body responds immediately to trauma. The problem is that these processes can mask serious injuries.

As the hours and days pass, you might begin to feel pain here and there. It might start as a twinge in your neck. But when you wake up in the morning, you may be unable to move your head, and your back is killing you. Or, you could have internal bleeding without symptoms until you pass out from lack of oxygen to the brain. When you get immediate medical treatment, you can avoid many problems after an accident, including:

  • Having a longer time to recover
  • Your injuries are worsening and preventing you from working
  • Increasing the chances of exacerbating the injury
  • Having difficulty finding medical specialists
  • Severe medical complications that endanger your life

Remember: Even if you have no pain after the accident, go to the doctor to be checked out. Only a healthcare professional can tell for sure the extent of your injuries.

Go To All Follow-Up Appointments

After the doctor checks you over, she may tell you to follow a treatment plan that involves follow-up visits. Therefore, following your doctor’s treatment plan and going to all appointments is vital.

First, your health is the priority here, and going to your appointments maximizes the chances of a full recovery. Second, if you file a personal injury claim against the responsible party, their insurance company will check if you followed your doctor’s treatment regimen. They will claim that you are not seriously injured if you did not. Going to all of your treatments and appointments shows that you are injured and following your doctor’s orders.

The insurance company will check your medical records to determine if you skipped appointments. If you need to reschedule, that is fine, but make it up as soon as possible.

Talk To Our Rockford Personal Injury Attorney Now

After a car accident, your actions in the first hours may dictate how successful a personal injury claim or a lawsuit is. One of the most critical case factors is going to the doctor immediately after the accident. If another driver hit and injured you in a car accident, contact our Rockford personal injury attorney at Fisk & Monteleone at (815) 962-0044.