308 West State Street Suite 210 Rockford, IL 61101

Whose Insurance Covers a Test Drive?

Most lenders require vehicle purchasers to have insurance. But pre-purchase issues are different. In most cases, the car dealership’s insurance policy covers test drive losses. Personal auto insurance policies usually only cover personal, non-commercial losses. If the driver was not named on the policy, the insurance company usually denies payment. Similarly, if the driver was …

Illinois Hit and Run Law: What You Need to Know

By the numbers, the Prairie State has one of the highest percentages of uninsured drivers in the country. Uninsured motorists are more likely to flee accident scenes than any other driver because they lack insurance. However, fewer than 10 percent of hit-and-run motorists are successfully prosecuted in criminal court. That low figure is mostly due …

What to Look For in a Top-Rated Illinois Personal Injury Lawyer

Almost two-thirds of the estimated 77,000 lawyers in Illinois are in private practice. Almost all these attorneys handle at least a few vehicle collisions, slip-and-fall, and other injury claims. Upon initial inspection, there is very little to distinguish one lawyer from another. But upon closer inspection, some significant differences emerge, assuming potential clients know what …

How Do I Sue for a Personal Injury With no Witnesses?

The proof a victim has is indispensable in a personal injury case. Victim/plaintiffs must establish negligence by a preponderance of the evidence, or more likely than not. Additionally, the more proof a victim/plaintiff presents, the more compensation a jury is likely to award. Eyewitness testimony is often the most compelling bit of evidence in a …

What is the Penalty for Leaving the Scene of an Accident in Illinois?

Strictly by the book, the penalty for leaving the scene of an accident in Prairie State is not too harsh. Violators face a maximum of one year in jail. Additionally, if the defendant caused more than $1,000 in damage, or caused a serious injury, the state will suspend the person’s drivers’ license. However, mostly because …

What Injuries Qualify for Workers’ Compensation?

In a bygone era, the Illinois workers’ compensation system was flush with cash, so there was plenty of money to divide among injured victims. But workers’ compensation premiums have declined significantly in recent years. As a result, there is less money available, and Claims Examiners are stingier than ever. The premium decline is partially a …

Why You Need A Lawyer To File A Personal Injury Insurance Claim

The best reason to get a lawyer when you want to file a personal injury claim is that in these cases the insurance company already has legal representation. And, since these companies earn almost $1.3 trillion a year, they can literally afford the best lawyers money can buy. Despite what TV commercials imply, when injured …

Can I Sue the City if I Am Hit and Injured By a Police Officer?

Usually, individuals cannot sue the government, unless the government consents to the act. This doctrine, which dates back to the Middle Ages, is called sovereign immunity. Back then, most people believed that God Himself gave kings the authority to rule. So, they could never make a mistake, and there was no point in suing them. …

What to Look For In A Great Personal Injury Attorney

Nationwide, accident victims file about a half-million personal injury cases every year. Most of them are motor vehicle collision claims. So, there are tens of thousands of lawyers who handle these cases on a regular basis. How can you possibly choose the right one for you? You cannot judge a book by its cover. However, …